Progress continues on our main project! Croman Mill is a walkable mixed-use community of 500 homes on 62 acres in Ashland, Oregon. We welcome your inquiries!
Ashland, Oregon
Drawing by Laurence Qamar
Croman Mill is the site of a former timber mill that was closed in 1996. The site lies at the southern end of Ashland, and it offers the opportunity for an urban extension of Ashland into a walkable mixed use, live-work-play development that responds to the City's current needs and challenges. Goals of the project include:
Redevelop a brownfield site that is currently in need of cleanup, and is generating truck traffic and noise.
Provide a livable amenity for the City of Ashland, with parks, trails, neighborhood center, and compatible businesses, that is able to be used by all the neighbors.
Provide a walkable, bikable, mixed-use, live-work-play neighborhood.
Provide family-wage jobs, and support the development of new locally-appropriate businesses, products and services.
Provide needed housing, including affordable and mixed-income housing.
Provide energy-efficient, resource-efficient, low-carbon neighborhood and building systems.
Focus on health and wellness, including health-oriented business recruitment, healthy lifestyles, and building technologies (e.g. Passivhaus et al.)
Develop innovative urban formats with new technologies where feasible, including electric and data systems, live-works, satellite offices, incubators, neighborhood markets, affordable housing types, “makerspaces,” etc.
Support Ashland’s economic development beyond tourism, including local products, knowledge economy, synergies with Southern Oregon University, et al.
Create an “urban extension” of Ashland that builds on its best qualities, including its livability, and its natural and historic beauty.
Click here for a downloadable full-size plan.
About the team:
Mike Weinstock, the town builder, has a long history and personal connection with Ashland, and is committed to seeing its best qualities preserved and enhanced.
Lead Urban Designer Laurence Qamar has a long history of working in Ashland. Laurence was a planner for North Mountain and Railroad Districts in the early 2000s.
Lead Planner Michael Mehaffy also has a long history with Ashland. Michael's daughter graduated from Southern Oregon with a degree in biology in the late 1990s, and he and his wife spent many days in Ashland.
Executive Team Coordinator, Carlene Chin has owned and operated multiple wholesale and manufacturing businesses in the Pacific Northwest since 1989. Her background in Sales, Marketing, Team Leadership and B2B relationship building is extensive. Carlene thrives on facilitating strong, lasting partnerships with all of those around her.
The team from Parametrix civil, infrastructure and transportation engineers has been working with Laurence and Michael for many years. Their technical expertise in delivering walkable, mixed, ecologically sensitive communities is unsurpassed.
We hope you'll help us make the vision for Croman Mill a reality!
A light industrial area including live-works and "makerspaces"; and a neighborhood courtyard with small cottages clustered around it. Drawings by Laurence Qamar
Croman Mill Open House
Sixty people participated in our open house meeting to discuss the future of the Croman Mill site in January, 2022, at the Bellview Grange in Ashland. Thirteen people were in the room, using masks and social distancing, and 47 people participated via the Zoom link. (Team participants were tested for COVID beforehand.) Comments gathered can be seen here. (Opens in new window.)
Here is the video of the presentation: